Spain is the fourth largest economy in the Eurozone and the 13th worldwide. In 2012 it was the UK’s eighth largest export market, receiving £14.2 billion of UK exports.
The population of Spain is about 47 million which makes it one of the biggest consumer markets in EU.
Beyond the doom and gloom…
The media often portrays Spain as being hit incredibly hard by the economic downturn of recent years. Although this is partly true, and the country does suffer from high unemployment vs. some of its mature European market counterparts, there is clear evidence of opportunity for British companies in Spain.
To prove this fact, UKTI have produced a video called Spain is Back!
It is also worth pointing out the proportion of exports Spain represents compared to other “massive opportunities” in the business media – Spain’s share of UK exports (2.9%) is higher than India’s and Brazil’s combined!
The economic recovery has resulted in the return of foreign investment. €69 billion was invested in Spain in 2013, following an outflow of €193 billion in 2012.
A word of caution however, Spanish SME’s are still finding it tough to find finance and credit, with many organisations working on 90 to 120 payment days.
Solving the Supply Chain to Reach “the Brits Abroad”
Around 1 million British nationals, based mostly in the coastal regions, are permanent or part-time residents. Over 16 million British tourists visit Spain every year too. This makes the Spanish market incredibly important for British goods especially in the food and drink sector. This sector has grown in Spain since the beginning of the economic crisis due to a mix of Spanish acceptance and the large numbers of British expats and tourists.
Benefits for British businesses exporting to Spain include:
- entry route to Latin America
- size of the market
- English is accepted as a business language
- familiarity with British products and openness to them
Strengths of the Spanish market include:
- competitive cost of transport of goods
- highly efficient transportation systems
- quality and availability of qualified suppliers
- advanced ICT network
To really know your market, we’ve curated the most pertinent facts and figures to help your international marketing efforts.
Knowing what to say, when to say it and how to best reach your potentially huge consumer base is crucial so we’ve collated stats on search engine usage, mobile penetration and social media too!
We’ve put this alongside a seasonal infographic to really help you time your marketing efforts alongside key cultural events – giving your new Spanish prospects the right impression!
To really make the right impression, let us provide Spanish translation services for your marketing, website and product documentation. We’ve translated thousands of documents into Spanish and we have native-speaking experts in Spain for every translation task.
47.3 million [1]
Demographic Profile
49% Male 51% Female
Online Usage
78% of the population use the Internet daily [2]
Online Shopping
41% buy things online [2]
Web Searches
41% of purchasers used a search engine to do research before purchasing [3]
YouTube Reach
86% of YouTube users are online daily [4]
Video Advertising
YouTube users are 2.8x more likely to buy electronics, gadgets or other devices [4]
64% have searched for directions on their smartphone [5]
Smartphone Penetration
72% of people are using a smartphone [7]
Mobile Internet Users
72% of all smartphone users are daily online with their device [7]
Mobile Purchases
20% purchase online on their smartphone [7]
46% of the population are social network users [6]
70% of smartphone users visit social networks at least once a month [7
50% of people read blogs and online reviews at least once a month [7]
58% of YouTube users talk about what they saw on YouTube with their peers [8]
3rd most popular country for British expats [9]
The UK is the 5th biggest export partner, with 6.5% of exports. [10]
Mobile marketing is worth €110 million [11]
[1] CIA World Factbook, July 2013
[2] Connected Consumer Study, 2014
[3] Consumer Barometer, 2014
[4] YouTube Global Audience Study, 2013
[5] Our Mobile Planet, 2013
[6] eMarketer, 2013
[7] Connected Consumer Study, 2014
[8] YouTube Global Audience Study, 2013
[9] International Passenger Survey, 2012
[10] The World Factbook, 2012
[11] eMarketer, 2013