As a translation agency, we see a lot of translations out in the wild that completely miss the mark. Sometimes, they’re too good (or should that be bad) not to share.
Every now and then, we publish the worst of what we’ve seen. Out of all of the inaccurate translations we’ve encountered, these are the ones that made us laugh, cry or just shake our heads in disbelief the most.
Let’s start with our top 10 for June 2015…
But unfortunately, there are lots more so stay tuned for follow-up posts from businesses who didn’t use professional translation services.
#1 – Beware
Let’s start on a confusing translation. Firstly, there is a macabre undertone that feels like there is a sentient limb on the loose, like the hand in the Addams family!
We’re not okay with being on the lookout for a missing foot but we’re also not sure if the sign is warning us to watch our step?
Either way… Beware.
#2 – JUMP! Do it!
When you were a child you were probably asked by your parents “if you were told to jump off a cliff by a friend would you do it…” What about by a badly translated sign?
But look closer – it says jump of the cliff. We’re not sure what that means. Who is Cliff?
This does look like an important sign. It’s a shame no one can understand it.
#3 – Get the legal team ready!
This feels more like someone in Japan either messed up with a poorly translated sign as a result of a phone conversation. It’s not offensive in the traditional way, but c’mon – Michaelsoft?
Who’s Michael…?
#4 – Grilled Sexual Harassment
Who doesn’t love food off the grill?
Imagine the perfect outdoors summertime barbecue, you’ve got some friends over… ice-cold beer or wine, and of course, some grilled sexual harassment.
There’s nothing quite like it.
#5 – Anything to survive
A picture like this makes you really sit down and ask yourself the tough questions.
If I could break (brake) this wall – what’s going to hold the roof up?
#6 – Wait, what?
This place of business might be giving off the wrong vibes.
Even if they’re not – perhaps this is in a country where that sort of thing is legal – couldn’t they at least do it with some subtlety?
#7 – An interesting business model
This company is very welcoming to English speakers – but after the warm introduction, things take an ugly turn.
#8 – Use your sixth sense…
Red lettering on a white background – this sign looks important.
Its advice makes a lot of sense. Since you can’t see invisible people, you have to use your other senses and be aware of any around you. Simple.
We’re not sure why the advice is so urgent, but it’s good advice nonetheless.
#9 – What did he do wrong?
Why did you need to roast him six times?
#10 – We can’t even imagine.
What sort of area…?
Stay tuned for follow up translation fails – trust us when we say, sadly, there is no end to them!
Avoid translation fails!
If you run a business and need product and sales material translated between languages, work with Bubbles Translation and let us help you reach a worldwide audience with professional translation services.